Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Smoke a Doobie for Jesus

Marijuana is still illegal in all 50 of the United States. Despite recent debate and controversy over medical usage, the universal ban on a substance reportedly used by 41% of the population remains firmly in place. Mind you, that's 31% more of the population than are supposedly homosexual (oh dear!), yet this particular behavior is still a legally prohibited taboo. Oddly, the bible doesn't mention marijuana even once. It's a stretch to say it even mentions drugs of any kind, other than alcohol. Nonetheless, the moral majority still believes that this prohibition is an act of enlightened social intervention and in harmony with God's will.

Christians and Jews have cited Galatians 5:19-21 as a moral justification for condemning narcotics. Specifically, this passage, unique in the bible, claims that individuals will never know the kingdom of heaven by virtue of indulging in "pharmakeia." This can either be translated as either: a) the use or the administering of drugs; or b) sorcery. I doubt anyone would seriously consider the smoking of marijuana as sorcery, so let's focus on the first definition.

There is no distinction denoted between good or bad drugs. The definition of which is which is irrelevant for the moment, however. What is pertinent is that prominent members of the global religious community, including the Popes, indulge in the use of drugs when they deem it necessary. Simply look to any one of their hospitalizations for an indisputable example of their indulgences in this regard. In short, when it serves one's own purposes, the literal interpretation of biblical text is conveniently discarded by moral authorities.

To disobey god in one instance and honor him in another regarding the same prohibition is not only inconsistent, it is blasphemy. Regardless of your religious or political affiliations, it is easy to identify a hypocrite when that person does not even respect their own doctrines. Or perhaps, simply, they were twisting a vague bit of scripture to their own ends when it suited them. Maybe God did mean sorcery after all, and not medicine and drugs.

Now none of this answers the question regarding whether God cares about marijuana specifically. However, given factual scripture, He, through his supposed, representative scribes, has absolutely nothing to say on the subject. He does have rather a lot to say about condemning alcohol though. One might even conjecture that He would prefer you smoke weed rather than get drunk. Certainly society would prefer you consign yourself to watching cartoons or rambling inanely than beating and maiming your wife and children. No doubt, they would as well.

In short, it all comes down to interpretation. Of course, that interpretation is rather threadbare. Either the God of the Hebrews is a moron, or He saw more of a danger in alcohol than in other narcotics. That behavioral studies uphold his apparent wisdom is ignored by our elected representatives. Or perhaps their conspiracy is more sinister. They would prefer you imbibe a substance that renders you a moron, rather than ones that make you more resistant to authority. And of course leniency in this regard would limit the market value of resold narcotics seized from American citizens. How else would the past few American administrations fund their secret wars but by the sale of such?

So smoke a doobie for Jesus, and turn the other cheek to your neighbor as is your natural inclination while so imbibing. God doesn't care, and your government, despite its protestations, demands your consumerism in this regard. Your chosen representatives and religious leaders will throw you in jail, anyway. However, remain steadfast and ignore their support of an ever-growing war machine. Instead, choose to awake to a sense of universal peace and brotherhood. That's what God intended, and nothing shall prosper that stands before you should you choose that path.

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