Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Bank Bailout—Here We Go Again

So we're probably all wondering why the United States is spending trillions of dollars bailing out billionaires. Let's not be stupid. The obvious answer is that those dollars are trickling down into the pockets and secret offshore accounts of our irresponsible governors and their cronies. Back in 2008, they were Republicans. Today, they are Democrats.

If anyone still harbors enough idealism to believe there is any ideological difference between Republicans and Democrats, please dispel any such notions before you look foolish. In truth, the only difference between the two camps is to which competing fraternity they belonged during their formative years. This has all the apparent difference of routing for either the Mets or the Yankees. Both teams are battling for the favor of the same political demesne. Both serve Gotham. Both have conspicuously similar agendas and voting records.

A curious notion was presented to me by one American citizen: why not simply distribute the total cash value of the bank bailout amongst the American citizenry? If we're going to embrace socialism, why not do so to the profit of every American? Why support a system of corrupt, failing, financial institutions, when we can bolster our shaky economy more directly? Perhaps allowing Americans to pay for their own bailout is simply too silly a notion for Congress.

More practically, why not let the banks fail, like any other American business, and be replaced by their leaner competitors. If our politicians support capitalism so faithfully, then why do they not allow it to function as it was meant to? To the jaded amongst us, the reason for our current alternative is obvious: A laissez-faire solution would only profit the People of the United States. It would not make those who hold political office or those who dictate the nature of our debased, oligarchic economy any wealthier.

Remarkably, Americans still vote for "their guy" on a regular basis believing that somehow, during the constancy if his/her apparently infinite term, this individual will do anything but continue their routine: to violate every single one of their god-given, constitutionally-guaranteed civil liberties while simultaneously expanding the powers of our central government. That the reality of our current situation is quite the opposite of paradise is in rare debate. But at whose feet can the blame for this situation be truly laid?

It's your fault.

You are to blame. You let the wolves rule the hen house. You let the barbarians breach the walls. You voted for monsters and yet wonder why we are left living a nightmare. Every single person you elected promised you disaster and gladly delivered on that promise. You simply weren't listening closely.

Is there a solution to this debacle? It's quite simple, but most probably won't act on it. First, simply toss out every single candidate at every level of government who holds office and has supported the current state of affairs. Second, refuse to elect any who promise anything less than a republic free of every brand of statism or grotesque privilege. Last, let those who are newly elected betray the public faith at their own peril.

Perhaps along that route of recovery, the American people may stumble. However, blindly continuing on our current road of disaster is nothing short of suicide. Bravely lift your heads, shake them clear of delusion and dismay, and move forward with clarity into prosperity. And mortgage your future for the sake your progeny, not your bankers.

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